Ductless technology isn’t anything new. In fact, it’s been around for roughly 60 years. While other countries have been taking advantage of this energy-efficient heating and cooling solution for a long time, Boston homeowners are just starting to catch the wave. With each passing year, it seems more advancements are being made in the ductless HVAC space. To keep homeowners up to date on these latest changes and to illustrate the value of these systems, we’re going to take a look at some of the newest and most exciting trends in ductless air technology. You’ll love these!

Smart Thermostats

Smart technology is taking the residential sector by storm, and these advancements have made their way to heating and cooling systems. Smart thermostats perform the same essential function as their standard counterparts with the added advantage of automation, remote access, and programmability. Using a smart thermostat with your ductless mini-splits comes with several advantages, including:

Device Connectivity

Too busy whipping up some dinner or don’t feel like getting up off the couch? No problem! Smart thermostats give you the flexibility to control your home’s temperature from your phone or tablet. No matter where you’re at in the home or what you’re doing, improving your home’s comfort is just a few clicks away.

Smart Temperature Control

Many smart thermostats have the ability to “learn” your heating and cooling patterns, automatically adjusting to your current temperature-control needs. This can greatly reduce your home’s energy costs while improving its comfort. You can even program your system to operate at a lower level when you’re at work to cut down on energy expenses even more.

Low-Temperature Operation

In the past, extremely cold temperatures posed a major obstacle to the widespread adoption of ductless mini-splits. Earlier models had a difficult time operating optimally in regions of the country that experienced biting winters. This limitation led many Boston homeowners to assume that ductless systems were only good for air conditioning.

As mini-split technology continues to improve year after year, these systems are now capable of offering improved heating in lower temperatures than before. This shift has lead to a significant increase in the adoption of ductless systems. It’s safe to assume that this feature will only improve in the future.

Air Purification

Believe it or not, the concentration of pollutants in your home is up to 5 times higher than outside. Pretty scary, huh? That’s why mini-split manufacturers are always looking for ways to improve the air filtration and purification features of their models. Over the years, the technology responsible for cleaning your home’s air has improved drastically, and the latest mini-split models reflect those advancements.

For example, Mitsubishi – a leading mini-split producer – designs its ductless systems with robust filtration capabilities. An anti-allergen filter catches pollutants such as germs, viruses, and bacteria at the microscopic level to improve the quality and smell of the air while keeping you and your family healthy. It can trap pollen, dust, and other contaminants. An advanced platinum deodorizing filter is also available which utilizes nanotechnology to trap odor-carrying particles before they’re decomposed by a plasma electrode.

Humidity Control

Another defining development in ductless HVAC technology is dehumidifying capabilities. Summer days with high levels of humidity are the norm in Boston, leading to an uncomfortable stickiness in your home’s air. Contrary to popular belief, standard air conditioners don’t help alleviate a home’s humidity. Cooler temperatures and higher fan output will make it feel less humid without actually doing anything to fight moisture levels.

Fortunately, several modern mini-splits are able to remove moisture from the air while cooling your home at the same time. This technology directly combats humidity levels in your home while making you feel more comfortable. It’s a win-win! Humidity control is a perfect feature for areas that are naturally wet such as garages, basements, and attics. In these areas, reduced levels of humidity can prevent costly moisture damage.

Want to learn more about installing a ductless HVAC system in your Boston home? Feel free to contact us today to schedule an appointment. At New England Ductless, we provide Boston homeowners with some of the most energy-efficient, technologically advanced, and high-quality mini-splits on the market.

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